Volume 10/2

Articles published in the Dec. 2018 issue

Complete issue

Table of contents

John Verzani 4

Contributed Research Articles

stplanr: A Package for Transport Planning
Robin Lovelace and Richard Ellison 7

The utiml Package: Multi-label Classification in R
Adriano Rivolli and Andre C. P. L. F. de Carvalho 24

rcss: R package for optimal convex stochastic switching
Juri Hinz and Jeremy Yee 38

nsROC: An R package for Non-Standard ROC Curve Analysis
Sonia Pérez-Fernández, Pablo Martínez-Camblor, Peter Filzmoser and Norberto Corral 55

addhaz: Contribution of Chronic Diseases to the Disability Burden Using R
Renata Tiene de Carvalho Yokota, Caspar WN Looman, Wilma Johanna Nusselder, Herman Van Oyen and Geert Molenberghs 75

Snowboot: Bootstrap Methods for Network Inference
Yuzhou Chen, Yulia R. Gel, Vyacheslav Lyubchich and Kusha Nezafati 95

revengc: An R package to Reverse Engineer Summarized Data
Samantha Duchscherer, Robert Stewart and Marie Urban 114

Basis-Adaptive Selection Algorithm in dr-package
Jae Keun Yoo 124

SARIMA Analysis and Automated Model Reports with BETS, an R Package
Talitha F. Speranza, Pedro C. Ferreira and Jonatha A. da Costa 133

fICA: FastICA Algorithms and Their Improved Variants
Jari Miettinen, Klaus Nordhausen and Sara Taskinen 148

Profile Likelihood Estimation of the Correlation Coefficient in the Presence of Left, Right or Interval Censoring and Missing Data
Yanming Li, Brenda W. Gillespie, Kerby Shedden and John A. Gillespie 159

Spatial Uncertainty Propagation Analysis with the spup R Package
Kasia Sawicka, Gerard B.M. Heuvelink and Dennis J.J. Walvoort 180

clustMixType: User-Friendly Clustering of Mixed-Type Data in R
Gero Szepannek 200

Stilt: Easy Emulation of Time Series AR(1) Computer Model Output in Multidimensional Parameter Space
Roman Olson, Kelsey L. Ruckert, Won Chang, Klaus Keller, Murali Haran and Soon-Il An 209

SMM: An R Package for Estimation and Simulation of Discrete-time semi-Markov Models
Vlad Stefan Barbu, Caroline Bérard, Dominique Cellier, Mathilde Sautreuil and Nicolas Vergne 226

ggplot2 Compatible Quantile-Quantile Plots in R
Alexandre Almeida, Adam Loy and Heike Hofmann 248

Forecast Combinations in R using the ForecastComb Package
Christoph E. Weiss, Eran Raviv and Gernot Roetzer 262

testforDEP: An R Package for Modern Distribution-free Tests and Visualization Tools for Independence
Jeffrey C. Miecznikowski, En-shuo Hsu, Yanhua Chen and Albert Vexler 282

rFSA: An R Package for Finding Best Subsets and Interactions
Joshua Lambert, Liyu Gong, Corrine F. Elliott, Katherine Thompson and Arnold Stromberg 295

Dot-Pipe: an S3 Extensible Pipe for R
John Mount and Nina Zumel 309

idmTPreg: Regression Model for Progressive Illness Death Data
Leyla Azarang and Manuel Oviedo de la Fuente 317

lmridge: A Comprehensive R Package for Ridge Regression
Muhammad Imdad Ullah, Muhammad Aslam and Saima Altaf 326

Geospatial Point Density
Paul F. Evangelista and David Beskow 347

Consistency Cubes: a fast, efficient method for exact Boolean minimization.
Adrian Dusa 357

sdpt3r: Semidefinite Quadratic Linear Programming in R
Adam Rahman 371

Explanations of Model Predictions with live and breakDown Packages
Mateusz Staniak and Przemysław Biecek 395

Downside Risk Evaluation with the R Package GAS
David Ardia, Kris Boudt and Leopoldo Catania 410

NetworkToolbox: Methods and Measures for Brain, Cognitive, and Psychometric Network Analysis in R
Alexander P. Christensen 422

jsr223: A Java Platform Integration for R with Programming Languages Groovy, JavaScript, JRuby, Jython, and Kotlin
Floid R. Gilbert and David B. Dahl 440

bnclassify: Learning Bayesian Network Classifiers
Bojan Mihaljević, Concha Bielza and Pedro Larrañaga 455

Dynamic Simulation and Testing for Single-Equation Cointegrating and Stationary Autoregressive Distributed Lag Models
Soren Jordan and Andrew Q. Philips 469

The politeness Package: Detecting Politeness in Natural Language
Michael Yeomans, Alejandro Kantor and Dustin Tingley 489

ShinyItemAnalysis for Teaching Psychometrics and to Enforce Routine Analysis of Educational Tests
Patrícia Martinková and Adéla Drabinová 503

RcppMsgPack: MessagePack Headers and Interface Functions for R
Travers Ching and Dirk Eddelbuettel 516

BNSP: an R Package for Fitting Bayesian Semiparametric Regression Models and Variable Selection
Georgios Papageorgiou 526

Measurement Errors in R
Iñaki Ucar, Edzer Pebesma and Arturo Azcorra 549

Navigating the R Package Universe
Julia Silge, John C. Nash and Spencer Graves 558

News and Notes

Conference Report: LatinR 2018
Laura Acion, Natalia da Silva and Riva Quiroga 564

Conference Report: SER III
Ariel Levy, Luciane F. Alcoforado and Orlando Celso Longo 567

Conference Report: Why R? 2018
Michał Burdukiewicz, Marta Karas, Leon Eyrich Jessen, Marcin Kosiński, Bernd Bischl and Stefan Rödiger 572

Conference Report: R / Pharma 2018
Joseph Rickert 579

Conference Report: R / Medicine Report
Joseph Rickert, Naras Balasubramanian and Michael Kane 581

R Foundation News
Torsten Hothorn 583

Changes on CRAN
Kurt Hornik, Uwe Ligges and Achim Zeileis 584

News from the Bioconductor Project
Bioconductor Core Team 587

Changes in R
R Core Team 588